"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." -- Lin Yutang

Nothing is as rewarding as being a mom.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

So it's been some time...

I have been super busy with the preparation of getting my business put together~ and of course taking care of my baby girl! She is growing SO big I can't believe my eyes!! She is smiling all the time now and still only laughing every once in a while. I think it's so funny how they can determine what's funny and what's not at this age. I don't really understand it. But I love it none the less! She is also drooling a bit now days, but I think a lot of it is from her blowing bubbles, which is also, the cutest thing. I never thought that such little things could ever make me smile so much. Life seems so simple now days and I'm happier than I ever have been before..never thought this was possible.

So the name of my online business is...DUN DUN DUN...Shabby Chic Children's Boutique! :)
You can buy children items (mainly baby at the moment because this is what I am familiar with, but as soon as products get sold, I am for sure investing in older children items to sell!) If you know of a "must have" item, let me know so I can research and sell it!! :) 

You can find the my website at
Twitter: @shabbychicchild (Follow me for great deals and updates on products! special coupon codes will be released through twitter)
Facebook fan page: Here
Blog will be located under a link on the actual website :)

So the actual website should be up by the end of this week! I hope you all are looking forward to it as much as I am!! :)

I'll be sure to post on here when it's up and running incase you forget! ;]

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Okay, so keep in mind that it is 11:30 local time here and I am EXHAUSTED. But I just had to let you all know that my website for my business is in the works!! It should be up in 5-8 business days and I can't wait to reveal it to you all! EEEEEK SO EXCITED!

As far as today, it was very productive and went well. I got half a desk painted (but got all my supplies-the hard part) and I got my picture frames done!! I also successfully understood a blog tutorial for making ruffles on babies' butts! I'm excited to buy fabric for that tomorrow (Like I haven't consumed my life with enough projects at the moment) lol and I am going to be able to get some shopping time done tomorrow at the mall for the first time ALONE in 3 1/2 months. Grandma or chmmmmm *Nana Dee* is going to watch Hayden for me. What a great mom I have. :)

I also really want to go jogging tomorrow, which I have been telling myself all week that I would do, and have yet to touch the jogger this week. Ugh. Failure. Tomorrow...it will be the day!

Well, I'd better get some sleep before Hayden's 1 am feeding *YAWN* haha I love my life. No, really. I do. <3


Everything happens when it's suppose to...

The past 3 days my life has been consumed with mommy blogs that are filled with crafts and tutorials! Have I mentioned that I am OBSESSED??? Well I am. I think this might qualify even as an addiction that I need to seek help for. They are so adorable! I will have to post later on the list of my favs.

It's kinda silly, but I would say that looking through these blogs, I have kinda found my style and am having an easier time identifying my "look" and how I would love to decorate my children boutique. Over the past 2 months, I have been racking my brain in deciding on my store name. This is very important don't you know? WELL! Along looking at all of these blogs, it just came to me. It rolls out of your mouth, and it makes sense entirely! I am truly in love with this and I would love to credit myself as a genius. :) I can't wait to get my fictitious name and start doing business as ...dun dun dun...you have to wait! Yes, it is that good and it is currently not taken ANYWHERE. I am amazed. So I would hate to spoil it and have it stolen. LOL so, hopefully within the next week I can announce my website along with my store name.

I am also decorating my sewing room in this style and so far I am LOVING it! I will be posting pictures soon. So far, the test colors are on the wall, my frames are in the works, and I am picking up paint for the furniture today. SOOO EXCITED!

Yesterday, MIL dropped off more sewing stuff in an amazing abundance. Needless to say, kinda overwhelming. She said this way I can see what I will actually use, that way I can find out what exactly I want to buy. Love her.

Hopefully I can post later tonight with pictures of this amazing transformation.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

So needless to say...

I am blessed by my wonderful husband, the life he provides for me and our daughter. He is so hard working and devoted to making me happy- in return I want to do everything possible in making him the happiest man alive.

Any-who, what I was getting at is his mom, so graciously gave me her first sewing machine that she ever had! It was a graduation gift from her mom and dad when she graduated high school. So granted, it is old, but works like magic (I am assuming, it's being taken to the repair shop tomorrow for a tune up). I am SO excited to get to know my inner love of sewing! My dear friend, Hannah, referred me to a blog, http://www.rufflesandstuff.com, and I am SO inspired!!

I guess where I was going with the whole "my husband is so amazing" and "I am so blessed" is because he said I can dedicate one of our rooms in our house into MY sewing and crafts room!!! I am thrilled! I am going to pick out paint and furniture tomorrow and get started...the only thing is I'm not too sure what room I want to make mine muahahahha *evil smile*

So my first project that I can't wait to start sewing is Hayden's cloth diapers...I have already bought the fabric and cut them to size, about 40. :D I can't wait to get these puppies sewn together.

I would LOVE to hear any suggestions for room decorations (I'm going for a more young, girlie, vintage look)... Any color suggestions? I'm thinking maybe a pretty cream color on 3 walls and then on one wall, a "Tiffany's" blue.

Here are some inspiring pictures I found...

What are your thoughts?

Oh my gosh, might I add I am in love with this and will be copying!!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My first blog...

So a little bit about myself...I am a 22 year old female, who recently became so much more than that. I gave birth, naturally might I add (although with drugs), to a gorgeous little girl who goes by the name of Hayden. So far, she reminds me entirely of her father, my fiance, my soul mate, Papa Wallace. I am a Stay at home mom (SAHM) and this blog will be devoted to my adventure of this rewarding JOB and LIFE. So I hope you stick around to read future posts, and if not, that's cool too lol. :)

Peace and love,
Mama Wallace